Bright Tangerine Partners with Multiple Camera Brands for BSC Expo 2025

Bright Tangerine at BSC Expo 2025

Multiple product ranges will be on display with brands such as Sony, Canon and CVP

GTC Patron Bright Tangerine (UK), has highlighted its range of products that will be on display at BSC Expo 2025. The event is considered a critical date in the UK filmmaking calendar, and the company has partnered with other exhibitors to create demonstration camera rigs for those attending.

Also announced is a new accessory for the Canon C400: the Vertical Adapter Dovetail allows C400 users to mount the camera at a 90-degree angle, for shooting cinematic social media content on tripods or gimbals.

BSC Expo 2025

Taking place at the Battersea Evolution Convention Centre in London from the 14th to the 15th February, BSC Expo 2025 is an annual exhibition aimed at professional cinematographers and camera teams in the UK. Bright Tangerine have partnered with other exhibitors to provide demonstration camera rigs for those attending, including:

  • Blackmagic Design
  • Canon
  • CMotion
  • CVP
  • Fujifilm
  • RED
  • Sony
  • Top-Teks

The equipment displayed by these brands includes – but is not limited to - the flagship KASBAH Ātman shoulder rig and Misfit Atom matte box (with the company celebrating ten years since the Atom released); as well as comprehensive kits for the Sony BURANO, RED V-RAPTOR, and Canon C400.

For those looking for a detailed explanation of a product or feature, Bright Tangerine’s EMEA Sales Rep Daniel Stewart will be at multiple locations throughout the event.

Friday 14th February
11:00-12:00 - Canon (Booth 341)
13:00-14:00 - Sony (Booth 247)
15:00-16:00 - Top-Teks (Booth 347)
16:00-18:00 - CVP (Mezzanine)

Saturday 15th February
10:00-11:00 - Canon (Booth 341)
11:00-12:00 - Sony (Booth 247)
13:00-14:00 - Top-Teks (Booth 347)
14:00-16:00 - CVP (Mezzanine)

A full breakdown of what each exhibitor is showcasing can be found here.

Bright Tangerine Vertical Adaptor DovetailCanon C400 Vertical Adaptor Dovetail

The Bright Tangerine C400 range is expanding, with a new Vertical Adaptor Dovetail joining the product lineup.

Mounting to compatible Manfrotto 501PL tripod plates and DJI RS 4 gimbal systems, the Vertical Adaptor Dovetail attaches to the C400’s handgrip rosette. This makes vertical filmmaking on the C400 convenient and secure, especially for shooting gimbal or static shots with additional precision.

The Vertical Adaptor Dovetail is available to purchase now from the Bright Tangerine website and affiliated retailers.


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