VMI - ARRI Mini LF Workshop
25 Mar 25 @ VMI HQ, London W3 6UU
Get to know CineCertified!
25 Mar 25 @ Online
MPTS 2025
14-15/05/2025 @ London
CVP: Upcoming Courses
12-13/07/2025 @ CVP: Various
The GTC invites applications for membership from those engaged in the television and moving image industries.
PLEASE NOTE: Camera professionals, students, DITs, vision engineers and others are all eligible to apply under our Full, Associate and Student categories. Those working outside the television industry may apply under our Affiliate grade.
If you are unsure of whether you will be eligible to join, or which category to apply for, please contact the GTC administrator for advice.
What does joining the GTC entitle you to? Please see our Member Benefits.
To qualify you will be required to have at least three years’ professional experience in any branch of television. You will be entitled to vote on GTC matters, use our official logo, and append MGTC to your name.
There are many people working in the television industry and media who, in the opinion of the GTC Council, would further or promote the objectives of the GTC but do not qualify under any other category. Affiliate members do not have voting rights and may not use the GTC logo.
A suitable category for individuals attending a full or part-time course that is recognised by the GTC Council as being appropriate. Members in this category will automatically be transferred to full membership at the first renewal following the end of their course. This category does not carry voting rights and members at this grade may not use the GTC logo.
This category is appropriate if you have had less than three years’ professional experience in any branch of television. You will be entitled to vote on GTC matters but will not be allowed to use the GTC logo or use the MGTC letters after your name.
Since 2018 Academic membership (for tutors of colleges and establishments of Higher Education whose aims are compatible with the aims of the GTC) has been free. This category of membership caters for universities, colleges and other higher education establishments offering courses that include camera operation to a professional level.
The organisation is the member, with one nominated representative (normally a course lecturer), to be the point of contact. Academic membership has special entitlements, including additional copies of our publication Zerb and the possibility of additional places on our selected workshops for course students (non-members). Please contact the GTC Education Officer, Luke Sheehan, for more details and how to apply.
You may join the GTC as a Retired Member only if you would have qualified for Full Membership in your working capacity. Existing members, who have permanently retired from full-time employment, may change their grade and will retain their voting rights and use the official GTC logo.
To join the GTC as an IAWF member, please visit the IAWF website to apply. Your application as a Full member will be approved by the IAWF team and you will then be routed back to this site to complete the subscription process.
As a professional Guild with admission criteria, we do all we can to verify that applications for the various categories of membership are valid. The more information about your experience, reference contact details and/or GTC referee names you can give us at the time of making your application, the faster we will be able to process your application, so please include as much relevant information as possible.
UK | Overseas |
Direct Debit | SWIFT Bank Transfer |
PayPal | PayPal |
BACS, Internet Bank Transfer |
For more information please contact:
GTC Membership Administrator
Briar Cottage
Holyhead Road
LL61 5YX
Tel: 0300 111 4123
Email: administration@gtc.org.uk
* The word 'professional' in these categories refers to camera professionals who earn their living working in all branches of the television and moving picture industries.
VMI - ARRI Mini LF Workshop
25 Mar 25 @ VMI HQ, London W3 6UU
Get to know CineCertified!
25 Mar 25 @ Online
MPTS 2025
14-15/05/2025 @ London
CVP: Upcoming Courses
12-13/07/2025 @ CVP: Various