VMI - ARRI Mini LF Workshop
25 Mar 25 @ VMI HQ, London W3 6UU
Get to know CineCertified!
25 Mar 25 @ Online
MPTS 2025
14-15/05/2025 @ London
As the 2024 AGM approaches, we have reached the end of the current two-year cycle for members on the GTC Council so now would be a great time to have a discussion with one of the existing Council members to see what’s involved and how you could become part of it.
Whilst there are many jobs within Council that could take up more of your spare time than others, we would always welcome new GTC members to stand for Council and you can always take a bit more of a background stance (to begin with!).
The Council is the decision-making hub of the GTC and is there to represent all of the members and be the public voice of our great organisation.
We have a morning or afternoon meeting once every other month and this is now generally on Zoom so that more members can attend and our carbon footprint is minimised. This would be the minimum involvement required but it really isn’t that onerous and indeed is actually quite social!
It's incredibly important that we have a good cross section of members on Council so if you don't think your particular area of expertise has been looked after by us, come and join us and make your voice heard.
Anyone is welcome to sit in at any of our meetings (although you won’t be able to cast a vote) so, if you’d like to see what’s involved, why not ask for a link to the next meeting so you can get an idea for yourself before you agree to stand.
I look forward to seeing some new faces to add to our excellent Council team and don’t be shy – we were all newbies once!
Graham Maunder
Chair & Treasurer, GTC
VMI - ARRI Mini LF Workshop
25 Mar 25 @ VMI HQ, London W3 6UU
Get to know CineCertified!
25 Mar 25 @ Online
MPTS 2025
14-15/05/2025 @ London