Adam Pickford (DoP) and Will Stone (Dir) have the first showing of their film, The Fence’, on Film 4 on Thursday 7 September at 9.00pm.
As finalists in the 2017 Bill Vinten GTC University Award for their short film of the same name, the boys took the huge step of turning it into a full length feature.
The film follows the theft of a new bike on the day it was purchased and the quest to recover it. The movie has been described by The Independent as “a great piece of retro cinema; it doesn’t take itself too seriously and along with the nostalgic soundtrack makes watching the film, time well spent.”
The GTC contributed to the production costs so watch out for our logo in the credits.
For aspiring film makers, Will Stone’s amusing blog tells of the trials and tribulations of getting a film made.
The Fence - Film 4 - Thursday 7 September at 9.00pm.