TLS now rehousing the Zeiss Super Speeds!

TLS Rehousing Zeiss Super Speeds

GTC Sponsor, True Lens Services (TLS) rehousing process replaces all the original mechanics from your Zeiss lenses and replaces them with TLS’s in-house manufactured new components. Your TLS rehoused lenses will benefit from TLS’s well known cam design for the focus, they now have 300 degrees of rotation throughout the set. Furthermore, by using a non-linear cam the focus marks are evenly distributed giving greater accuracy at longer distances. 

TLS Zeiss Super Speed LensThe original form factor of the Zeiss Super Speed lenses was one of the great selling points. To keep this appeal, TLS have designed the rehousing to be small and compact, keeping them all to a 95mm front diameter. The iris scale and gear now sit on the mount side of the focus, making the layout in line with standard practice within the industry. The front diameter is also fixed so there is no more telescoping or binding up of the focus when using a mattebox.

As an option with the Zeiss Super Speed rehousing, you are able to either maintain the original iris or replace this with a circular iris. By swapping the iris, the Zeiss Super Speeds take on a slightly different character with a smooth, circular bokeh. The iris blades are custom made and have a flat black anti-reflective coating applied to them. 

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call +44 (0)1455 848 411