Fiilex presents a new 90W G3 Color Spotlight

Fiilex 90W G3 Color

GTC Sponsor, Fiilex specialises in designing and producing industry leading colour tunable LED hard lights for the motion picture and broadcast TV/video industries.

Since the brand launched in 2014, Fiilex released a long list of innovative and award-winning colour tunable LED products to the market. The colour science and dimming curve developed by Fiilex over its proprietary high density multi-channel LED platform is well recognised as the gold standard by many top professionals in the field.

In 2023, Fiilex will present a new 90W G3 Color, an ellipsoidal spotlight constructed specifically for the motion picture industry. This new fixture features a rotating yoke barrel for easy aiming of the light and advanced optics that delivers uniform and clear projections. This is a product that will give precise lighting control to users.


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