GTC Sponsors, Sony kindly invited GTC members to tour their UK Technology Centre at Pencoed in South Wales; home of their professional camera production since 2000.
Some positive feedback from the day:
It was a very interesting tour, a good chance to briefly meet some local other members, and a well organised day. Thank you to all involved!
I like that the lunch was a Japanese Bento Box style too!
Bit of a well kept secret on my doorstep really - they were even manufacturing the Raspberry Pi mini computer there which I have in my Electric Car charger let alone assembling 3500's by hand and its RCPs.
Good to make contacts in the service dept as when your camera is down we all know the pain and if they can fix it while you have a coffee they might well give it a go.
Huge thanks to Clive for this and all his past efforts - much appreciated over the years.
Yes - a cracking day!
Thanks and congrats to Clive, Neil and all our hosts from Sony yesterday.
It was a fascinating visit and a great insight into how they develop and build the cameras we use and take so much for granted.Well worth a day out in sunny Wales…
Read more about the day in the forth-coming issue of InFocus.