GTC Mental Health Supplement

Issue 3, 2024

Mental Health Supplyment 2024Mental Health is an issue that can affect anyone, and is particularly prevalent in the Film and TV world. The current state of the industry just increases this with more and more people chasing fewer and fewer jobs. Members of the GTC recognised this issue several years ago following the tragic loss of one of their colleagues, and this resulted in two Mental Health Supplements, the second of which was released during the pandemic in 2020.

This latest issue highlights support options that are available and includes articles on workplace bullying, First Aid for Mental Health, and tackling imposter syndrome, with contributions from a wide range of contributors from within the industry.

Sally Garrett, the editor of the supplement says:

We want to be as inclusive as we possibly can as mental health does not discriminate, so we have turned to support groups including those for people of colour, LGBTQ+, neurodiverse, women, parents and older and younger people to see what help is available for us who work in the media and also for our family and friends as their mental health can also have an affect ours.

Issue 2, 2020

Pre the COVID-19 lockdown, the GTC had already decided to produce a second edition of our Mental Health Supplement, first released in 2018. It was planned to look at the exceptional stresses that working practices in the industry place on people, particularly freelancers. Then the pandemic struck, increasing pressures on many camera professionals and industry colleagues – so the urgency to bring out this resource seemed even greater.

In producing this issue, we were supported by therapists, counsellors and professionals from various specialisms, with the aim of introducing a range of different approaches that may help individuals who are experiencing a range of issues. Our research was underpinned by the 2020 GTC Mental Health Survey – and we are grateful to all who took the time to reply.

Our key messages for this issue are:

  • You are not alone – mental health issues affect most people at some time, particularly in our industry.
  • Be kind – a colleague working right next to you may be suffering in silence: try to be receptive to signs and encourage them to talk to you, to someone else or to seek one of many kinds of help available.
  • Your employer (however short-term) has a responsibility towards your mental health support; if this is now evident, then lobby them to make sure this improves.

Download the Zerb Mental Health Supplement, Issue 2

Issue 1, 2018

The Spring 2018 issue of Zerb included a special supplement around the issue of mental health, looking at how it can affect people working in the camera department and TV/film industry more generally – and, most importantly, explaining various avenues where help can be found if you or a colleague are suffering from any form of mental health problem, particularly depression.

Download the Zerb Mental Health Supplement, Issue 1


Film & Television Charity

In putting both issues of the supplement together, we worked with our friends at The Film & Television Charity who run a 24/7 helpline, where support and advice across a wide range of issues, including:

  • bullying and harassment
  • depression and anxiety
  • debt and money advice
  • specialist addiction counselling
  • legal advice and support
  • bereavement counselling
  • financial assistance.

0800 054 00 00

The charity has also recently launched an Mental Health online community, where people can talk in groups, or one-on-one. Find out more:


Other organisations offering support...


Backup provides financial support to entertainment technology industry professionals who are seriously ill or injured or to their surviving family members.

Phone: 01323 524138


(Campaign Against Living Miserably)
Helpline: 5pm to midnight daily
0800 585858

Community Advice & Listening Line

Community Advice & Listening Line offers emotional support and information on mental health and related matters to people in Wales.
Phone: 0800 132 737 (24/7) or text "help" to 81066

Find a pyschotherapist in your area:


Inspire (Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health) provides local services to support the mental health and wellbeing of people across Northern Ireland.

Phone: 028 9032 8474

Mental Health Foundation

Mental Health Foundation provides a guide to mental health problems, topical issues and treatment options via their website.


0300 123 3393

Rehab 4 Addiction

Rehab 4 Addiction offers a free helpline to assist those suffering from drug, alcohol and mental health issues. Rehab 4 Addiction was established in 2011 by people who overcame drug and alcohol addiction themselves. 

0800 140 4690

Rory Peck Trust (including for PTSD)

0203 219 7860


24 hours daily
116 123


SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) can provide general mental health information and signpost you to your local services.
Phone: 0141 530 1000 (Mon–Fri 9–5)


SANE is a leading UK mental health charity improving quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness.
0300 304 7000

Social Media Addiction

Overusing social media can be a serious problem. Social media addiction is a psychological condition that compels someone to be overly concerned about social media, spending so much time on these platforms that it impacts other aspects of their life. More information on the problem and how to combat it:

BBC News Mental Health app and support

The BBC has a mental health app and list of mental health support resources:

Urgent medical advice

NHS 111 or NHS Direct (Wales)
0845 46 47


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